July 15, 2021

Family Law Mediation – A Basic Guide

Out of all the states in America with their respective legal intricacies and unique law-based mechanisms, Florida has a unique approach to family law matters.

In legal situations wherein families or spouses dispute over the long-term care of shared children, The Sunshine State’s courts have specific regulations to establish desired outcomes. For the most part, judges prefer to have disputing parties reach their own agreements about how divorce and custodial matters will be structured. These regulations cover the following: 

  • Sharing time with children
  • Dividing property
  • Raising children
  • Establishing child support payment schedules and amounts

The methods that Florida’s judges uphold can be difficult to follow. Some recommended measures can be very costly, too. However, reaching an agreement with your spouse or ex-spouse over custodial matters doesn’t necessarily mean subjecting yourself to an arduous trial process. This is where family law mediation can help. 

Defining Family Law Mediation

In recent years, the process in question has helped remedy the most complex cases in an effective manner. Through mediation, one party can come to an agreement with another. It is a solution that can resolve issues relating to all aspects of family law in a controlled and organized manner.

Generally, mediation is carried out by a certified mediator who manages discussions and helps find a resolution in a controlled manner. Often, meditation is critical to disputes because it provides solutions for separation or divorce-related matters and remedying custodial issues. 

Not too many people know about family law mediation, and we are here to impart everything you need to know about this important process. Whether you’re finding a solution for parenting, support, or property division issues, scheduling mediation will allow you to iron out matters smoothly before further complications arise. 

Why Mediation is So Effective

You may be wondering what makes family mediation with a professional like Dorsey Law JAX a more desirable method for resolving your custodial concerns. Let’s look at the various advantages that are well worth taking into consideration: 

Advantage #1: You Can Solve Matters Privately

With family law mediation, you won’t have to worry about having your sensitive family issues be subject to the discussion of unwelcome ears and mouths. It is a private process held behind closed doors. Your situation is one that delves into matters you wouldn’t tell a stranger about, so privacy is a tremendous advantage offered by mediation.

Advantage #2: You Won’t Have to Go through Litigation 

The process of settling family disputes or matters in court can be a complicated matter. Going through a trial can further sour relationships, leading to severe or unjust decisions. Through family law mediation, you can reach a plausible solution without the need for court dates or litigation fees. Experienced mediators will establish and force a civilized discussion for amicable settlements.

Advantage #3: You Can Reduce Legal Costs

Settling custodial disputes in court means spending a lot of money on lawyer’s fees, consultations, and arraignments. Fortunately, you won’t have to go through great, costly lengths to solve your issues because a mediator will help you establish more productive solutions at a fraction of the expected cost! 


As troublesome or complicated as it may be to settle family matters and custody disputes in the court of law, things will not be so difficult if you opt for family law mediation. Through this process, you’ll be able to handle complex matters in a more cost-effective, private, and efficient manner.

When going through legal disputes, it’s essential to have a respected lawyer stand by your side and give you the best legal advice possible. Finding an experienced and knowledgeable trial attorney will mean that all of your needs are met. Contact our experts at Dorsey Law JAX today!


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